I should be working on writing stuff but I'm spending the evening on pokemon showdown instead oh well

street harassment, hypersexualization, not sure if lewd, enbymisia, misogyny 

Can the cishets just cease and desist? This is a mood though

2: I knew about furries/the fandom just by internet osmosis for a while, but my friend introduced me to it for real. It's been really cathartic to do self exploration stuff via sonas.

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1: I've been in the furry fandom for a year or two officially, I think? I can't remember exactly when, but a good friend got me into it and I've been really enjoying it ever since.

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Revised intro post for pin:

I'm Dandelion, 27, they/them, skvader (winged rabbit) furry, queer, autistic, general weird nerd, chatty, overenthusiastic, Pokemon enthusiast, writer, artist. Nice to meet you all!

Going to try to be more active here, it's more slow paced and easier to handle - I've been trying to peek in furry discords but they're so fast paced and also full of minors :blobastonished:

was working on a lavender nonbinary lion design and I was tired and let my eyes blur and since I had only colored it purple so far it looked like mewtwo

I forgot to open Mastodon for an extended period of time again whoops

I've been poking around at furry discord servers but they're always full of minors and I just don't feel comfortable in those ugh. I guess Mastodon is where the older people tend to hang out. πŸ˜‚

work complaining 

Coworker is also insisting on moving her computer into the new offices even though she's been told they don't have power yet and is now complaining she can't use that computer. You were told, Cheryl πŸ˜‚

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work complaining 

Customer: can you do this thing
Me: after analysis of the product we cannot do this thing sorry
Customer: yeah but could you still do the thing


mh (-); anime; request for sharing openers 

@pink_ink I'm not sure, it's been a while since I've seen that season! I think they still are though, I feel like I remember title cards of Uranus and Neptune with those shadow-type figures that Utena has.

mh (-); anime; request for sharing openers 

I love the full opening to Sailor Moon Crystal season 3! It's very pretty. Feel better soon! ❀️


regular brain: being queer is nice because we're not trapped in cishet gender roles/dating expectations


I made a birdsite 

Decided to go ahead and make a furry twitter for art stuff/networking so I'm at frostyskvader over there :blobbunhappy:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!