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current mood: quietly losing my shit with delight because sailor moon crystal is finally coming back

this has been the kind of week where I want to curl up and take a long nap in a nice burrow

Animal Crossing, arachnophobia, caps 

@kelerak those always freaked me the fuck out D: I feel you

uspol, current events --- 

Everything is so scary lately and going very wrong but I still have to live my life and pretend everything is normal and it's extremely jarring

Logically I should be having a full blown screaming meltdown but I still have to go to work if I want to continue living

my default instinct in civ is to restart when I spawn next to gandhi and I am glad this instinct is still valid in civ 6, apparently he is still Like That

oh nuclear gandhi never change

romance rambling - 

I miss having crushes on people. Idk what it is but I'm going through a pretty long phase where I'm not attracted to anyone and it's weird. That and in that subsequent time I've become even more of an oddball of a person and less "dateable." I don't necessarily WANT to keep up with society's timeline of when I should be with someone and I don't want a lot of things society says I should want but it would be nice to feel like that again one day I guess.

E3, caps 


pure things: when my cat lets me gently scritch his round fluffy cheeks

I know civ v like the back of my hand and now I'm like "how do thing"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!