it was wild tho, because i found via also being victimized by gamergate, a trans woman who used to mod a video game music piracy forum i used to go to when i was young and her having to out herself back then and watching it unfold was like something that put a huge crack in the eggshell i had built up for myself at the time.

@ratbaby @noelle holy shiiiiiiitttttttt


haaaaaaa im loving watching this sorry

@noelle @ratbaby remember how i already knew about you in 2015ish when that vanity fair cover thing happened and we ended up meeting here on masto eventually

i thought _that_ was cool but this is even WILDER

@ratbaby @noelle noelle can probably tell it better!!!

remember when caitlyn jenner came out and got on vanity fair

on tumblr and twitter trans people were upset they didn't get to be on vanity fair so they started

ellie even made a generator

anyway purely because i posted one of myself early on the hashtag i got featured on buzzfeed and that is my lamest claim to fame

@ratbaby @noelle and ellie had made her own cover and posted it obvs. i don't think we interacted at all but like

We Were Both Part Of The Same Thing 2 Years Before We Actually Met

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