@squirrelbutt how will your app know how to connect to the DB without a .env file?
@datn it uses a local socket apparently??
this documentation is confusing ok
i'm just tryin to set up local development
@squirrelbutt huh! okay, 'twas just an honest question meant to help. I will thrill to your solution when you find it and cheer you on to further victories!
@datn i'm just trying to make sense of the dev docs and it's just really not making any :( help is appreciated
@squirrelbutt I see that the docs say the connection is a network (not socket) connection, localhost to DB using ident. but I would guess you still need the default .env file.
@datn and what do i base that off of? .env.production-sample?
@datn i already got mine working, it's ok c:
@squirrelbutt yaaaay!
@squirrelbutt I think I have a dev env working on my laptop, will check for you soon