HI fairies and awooers !!!

I was using this account as an alt due to @squirrel not working right on other federations (a long story about the early stages of this instance running)

But now it seems to show up fine! So I'm switching back to that handle!

thought: what if when you viewed a user mastodon tried to quietly (no pushing to federated timeline) pull down their [X] latest posts so you don't have to guess what they post about or open in a new tab

good morning i didn't fully recover from my earlier panic attacks enough to have energy to go to work today and called in sick

how are you

jealousy, bad take 

people with more than one gf should stop being greedy and share one with those who don't, like me

panic attacks 

i don't think i'll be able to get to sleep again lol 4 hours of sleep it was

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panic attacks 

i wake up in a panic so much

for no reason at all, like i just have some abstract thought in my dream or half asleep and i'll shoot up from my bed with the general feeling i'm late or forgot to do something but it's never true or even specific, just a vague thought

ok one last one before bed. really digging this one (had to hack the html in inspector for home-column boost to style properly, no idea how to fix that in actuality) computerfairi.es/media/fU6vGda

tbh the fuchsia toot button/overall accent color is a remnant from the previous css which was a darker purple theme. it fit better there and it is that color because it spells (faries). we might change it on the next update idk

the boost on the home column doesn't style the same way as the boost in the notifications column, this bothers me

computerfairi.es currently costs $20/month to run, plus domain (i think $15/year)

we're good for this month, no idea what we're doing next

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!