HI fairies and awooers !!!

I was using this account as an alt due to @squirrel not working right on other federations (a long story about the early stages of this instance running)

But now it seems to show up fine! So I'm switching back to that handle!

i feel like we should implement pinned toots, or as i like to call them 

@grime_witch i'm kinkshaming

alcohol, messy night, also my very interesting life 

@corzntin surprisingly enough i have only been hungover *once*

and yeah it was bad

alcohol, messy night, also my very interesting life 

@corzntin (and alcohol stories

god knows i have plenty of them)

alcohol, messy night, also my very interesting life 

@corzntin man i wanna go drinking with you (not about the money quip, i just like alcohol)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!