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Dysphoria, despair, misgendering 

If I CRISPR myself XX chromosomes will I turn into a real girl or am I stuck with this fucking body for the next three decades

Random feature idea that's probably really impractical with the way ActivityPub works, but I'm going to suggest it anyway: Adding CWs after the fact.

Tfw someone's pfp looks like somebody you've had to block on hellbook like three times but you can't fullscreen it to verify and you gotta scroll their media posts in a panic to figure it out

It wasn't them

Why do some dvds force you to select captions from the main menu and actively prevent selecting caption tracks with the dedicated subtitle button on nearly every dvd player?

Flip-disc displays on buses was a mistake because nobody ever lights them enough

Basically, Elmore James popularized the electric guitar as an instrument for blues music.

He normally played clean, without the distortion that would come to herald the sound of Rock and Roll, but on tracks like Country Boogie (among many others) Elmore demonstrated that he could rock with the best of them (and years before many of the rest of them started rocking.)

He's one of those often overlooked faces in the history of blues and rock and roll, and that's a damn shame.

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I just came across someone on hellbook that didn't understand that people have a right to exist. When explained to her she told us she still didn't understand it.

How do you possibly simplify the term "right to exist" any further????? How?????????????

I lost my TI-84 Plus in high school

Although I have a sneaking suspicion it was stolen

My bank limits passwords to 20 characters & disables paste. So I removed the maxlength and onpaste using dev tools. Security theater.

I want to write a paper on the use of hair extensions on male deer

So that I could give it the title

More bangs for your buck

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I could never get into Monster Hunter because I always felt awful having to kill the poor little herbivores :'(

Update for those who give a shit: calling in sick was a great idea not just because I can rest but because I'm coughing up a storm when I'm not laying down and I don't wanna infect someone else.

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wow, SparkyLinux's desktop is just... bad

i shoulda just installed mint or something and then installed a bunch of games that way

Why is it always me that has to hunch my shoulders inward so as to take up less space on the bus

Why can't others just try to let others be comfortable for once

Some random New Zealander ended up becoming a character in a board game because the designers apparently only ever used Wikipedia for their research. :blobrofl:

Pol, nukes 

It would be really nice to get a follow up to The Atomic Cafe or a modern nuclear horror like Threads or The Day After because maybe if we scare the public hard enough we can put the brakes on this whole American nuclear bullshit

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!