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TeaDuckie boosted

Quality of Life ROM Hacks thread at resetera

before i play any old game now i check to see if there are any cool improvement mods. i love these things

TeaDuckie boosted

This is a shoutout to everyone who learned French as a direct result of having joined mastodon

good on ya

I'm a bit stressed because my hair is a mess and I want to go to the Hair Salon to get it fixed. My previous hairdresser was very transphobic so I feel a bit uneasy about going to the salon. Specially since I want to request a "feminine" looking haircut. There are no other places close to my home (nor far away tbh with y'all)

"(If you can't click and you are using Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail, please move this email to your inbox folder and then try again)" What about... no? :P.

TeaDuckie boosted

brewed my morning coffee into a cup that still had last night's chamomile tea in it and now I don't know if I'm ready to wake up or ready to sleep

I feel like I'll never be able to program or learn to program for that matter :(. I just don't have the "brains" for programming it seems.

TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted

by the way, when you go download minecraft, there's a note that says "it won't run on literal toasters, even though some of them run java" and I blame you all for that one

Well, let's see if I can get some sleep now, at 8am.

PS: I think I'm the only one that uses the hashtag "mastodonoff" :P.

TeaDuckie boosted

One of the big reasons people hesitate about switching to #Linux is the "lack of games". Which makes sense because Linux is well equipped already in terms of word processors, office software, video, audio, web browsing and so on.

But it's really very simple. The more people switch to Linux, the more games will follow them, including from the big studios. We've seen this happen already, and it'll keep happening. Don't let that one little thing stop you!


Boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and...

@lizardsquid That sucks :O They used to give you the key when you bought a computer with WIndows preinstalled. Or so I remember before I switched to Mac.

@cyrinsong I want to get it done one day but I am scared of needless :S.

TeaDuckie boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!