So, I've installed this J2ME emulator on my phone and... I almost forgot how crappy a lot of those mobile games used to be. I mean, they were very expensive like my phone bill would inflate like nobody's business. There are some that are good like a Bomberman port I tried but they are hard to control with virtual buttons on a touchscreen ^^U. I'm not a fan of virtual buttons on touchscreens.
@Violet Oh I see, thanks :). I am very inexperienced when it comes to social networks.
@softgoat I've recently started playing Morrowind myself. I wanted to try a The Elder Scrolls game and Skyrim won't run on my computer.
I've just assembled my first shelf! Wooohooo! I know it's silly but I am so proud of myself :). My mom's been wanting to have a new shelf in the basement for ages and I wanted to surprise her. Can't wait to see her reaction!
PS: Photo by Sarah Gadd I don't like using photos without crediting the author.
@Mallabori @Asriel Tio okazis al mi kiam mi instalis Ubuntu en mia Mac Mini kaj mi ne trovis manieron ripari ĝin :/. Fakte, mia Mac OS X estas nun nestartigebla (kaj senutila). Ŝajnas ke Linukso ne estas facile instalebla en Makintoŝo (Dankon, Apple). Mi havas problemon ankaŭ kun la ĝisdatigoj de Windows 10 kaj Bootcamp. Windows perforte volas ĝisdatigi sin sen mia konsento kaj ĉiam fiaskas :S.
@codeawayhaley I love Total Spies and I'm outside of the target demographic too! haha :). It was a very cool show.
@typhlosion I have a Commodore 64C myself :). I don't use it much though. I'd use it more if I had an SD2IEC.
When I look back, it kinda bothers me to think I've never used Netscape Navigator when I was a whippersnapper. Even though I admired that browser. Those peeps were brilliant and IE was... well, IE. It just happened to come with Windows 95. I was an early user of Firefox though. Just about the time I discovered Linux.
I know it's not a good idea to talk about your private life on the Internet but I guess I need to get this out of my system. Other than my GF (Who I love dearly) I talk to nobody so I stay most of the time locked inside my room with just me and my thoughts. Really and truly, I only have one friend, a very good friend actually but we never talk. It's been to long since we talked. I hope we are still friends. So these days, I've been feeling very lonely.
@dosnostalgic D'awww, so cute! <3
32 female (She/her) Computer geek, translator. You can also find me on: