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minecraft mod that lets you sell cars to villagers

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eurotruck mod that lets me drive on the minecraft city maps

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@maegul yes, the #Fediverse is a #openweb project, at the moment one of the most healthy and active parts of this path.

It is "native" to this path. Definitions are lose, it's a #geekproblem to make things so hard that we can hit each other with them ;)

The #4opens is interpretation and judgment #mastodon is a gold project, as it uses GitHub with issues etc. but you are right to make a judgment to call it a silver project, maybe only half a tick for process

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German state ditches #Microsoft for #Linux and #LibreOffice cabinet made this decision not because of Linux and LibreOffice's technical superiority,but because it values"digital sovereignty." In the EU,it means protecting citizens' data…
#opensource #foss

Io deberea facer plus videos in ma io non sape si io deberea parlar in espaniol, o ... Que vos pensa?

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tired: every copy of mario 64 is personalized

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i tihnk the world would benefit better from not having so much influence from the united of states

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"La grave interruzione di Windows sta eliminando quasi tutto! 😱 Compagnie aeree, banche, hotel, tutto quello che vuoi.


Giorni come mi rendono grato di:

⚡️ Non utilizzare le banche
⚡️ Non utilizzare Windows (#Linux completamente)
⚡️ Non utilizzare un telefono basato su Google ( #GrapheneOS )
⚡️ Utilizza più criptovalute #Crypto decentralizzate
⚡️ Usa tutto #OpenSource

Oggi ha dato i suoi frutti.
Fai attenzione, presto. 🧐"

#Dash #Evolution #Web3

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Ahi esta mi primer granito (de muchos mas que espero dar) hacia el software libre a nivel gobierno en el curso de financiamiento daremos un enfasis como el software libre nos da herramientas para el autoempleo,mantener nuestro equipo mas tiempo y reducir costos al contrario de software privativo

#linux #softwarelibre #aprender #CompartirConocimiento

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!