Dorotea boosted
Dorotea boosted

"Biden", "Democrat", "VoteBlue", "MichelleObama", "JohnOliver" (?!), and 25 more hashtags that Instagram censored on Trump's inauguration day. Spoiler alert: "Republican" wasn't one of them.

Dorotea boosted

I got tired of Soundcloud plan limits, so I put up my back catalog on #gopher. 67 pieces of electronic music of wildly uneven quality, written over ~15 years, for fun. All are free and #CreativeCommons #CC0 licensed.


Dorotea boosted

Monday - Greg
Tuesday - Ian
Wednesday - Greg
Thursday - Ian
Friday - Greg
Saturday - Ian
Sunday - Greg

The Gregorian calendar.

Dorotea boosted

Egun on!!

Zer moduz hasi da urtea? Iaz #FediEgutegia2025 prestatzeko dinamika abiatu genuen, sustatzeko. Polita izan zen ikustea jendeak nola eskaintzen zituen argazkiak egutegirako.

Abaraska taldea babesten duten pertsona ugarik eskatu zuten ale bat eta Durangoko Azokan ere saldu ziren batzuk.

Orain PDFa deskarga dezakezue, fotokopia egin nahi izanez gero!

Mila esker @mikeletxeberriaokariz ideiagatik eta lankidetza prozesuagatik!

Dorotea boosted
Dorotea boosted


@internetciudadana convoca para este viernes 24 este taller (libre y gratuito) de iniciación a Mastodon y otras redes del Fediverso, ¿te apuntas?

#VamonosJuntas (si te queda mal la fecha lo repetirán el 8 de febrero)

¡Chau X! ¡Hola Fediverso!

#juntas en #Mastodon

Dorotea boosted

#LinuxMint de todos os que experimentei, sem dúvida o melhor. Estável, útil, para o utilizador que "não domina" a 100%

After seeing that shameful display of Elon Musk yesterday, I'm deleting my TWITTER (I'll never call it "X") for good. Consequently, I'll delete any accounts owned by Meta, only rely on the Fediverse (Not sure still about keeping Bluesky), and switch to Linux (And hopefully never go back to Windows) Will just one person send a message? No, but I'll feel proud contributing to building what I believe in. I'll search for alternatives for email and other services too. And I embrace RSS Hugs - Dorotea

Dorotea boosted

Retirar la 'Q' de las siglas es un ataque frontal a las realidades queer y trans. Es ceder ideológicamente y en lo electoral ante la extrema derecha, blanqueando su discurso y sus objetivos.

Un retroceso que pone en peligro los derechos y la dignidad de miles de personas.

Dorotea boosted
Dorotea boosted

You know what Sega Genesis game is stupidly underrated?

Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine

No, really. It's literally competitive Tetris but better. I suck at it after the first match, but the gameplay is incredible, fun, and simultaneously relaxing AND intense.

Highly recommended if you haven't played it, alongside another Tetris-like game trilogy, the Columns trilogy.

#Retrogames #SEGA #SegaGenesis #Tetris #Sonic

Dorotea boosted

The PlayStation Mouse was released in Japan on the same day as the console launch, offering an alternative input method. One of the launch games that required it was a Mahjong game by Koei. It was not widely sold in the US or Europe, where compatibility was even more limited. #RetroHardware

via Obsolete Sony from Twitter

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Dorotea boosted

did you know that you can chat online with the actual real official mascot of the commodore amiga line of personal computers right here? wow!

Dorotea boosted

> get ham radio licence
> meow into the local repeater

Dorotea boosted

In case you missed it, you don't need to click on the links in posts shared on this account.

- Watch a video by clicking the play button within the post ▶️

- Like a video by favouriting the post ⭐ , this automatically turns into thumbs up on the videos

- Comment on a video by just replying to the post, replies to posts automatically turn into comments on the video

All the posts shared are actually the videos themselves, so when you interact with the post you're interacting with the video.

Dorotea boosted

This is a thread of nice PeerTube video accounts on the Fediverse, you can follow from Mastodon etc. It's divided into many topics, scroll down the thread to see them all. (You may need to click "read more" to see the full version of some posts.)






🧵 1/9

Dorotea boosted

...of Yoshi's Island, Donkey Kong Country was released, which resulted in its computer-generated graphics becoming the norm for contemporary SNES games. 🤩

It was too late for the graphic designers to incorporate such a style into Yoshi's Island; instead, they pushed the hand-drawn style further as a way to "fight back". 🖍️

👉 #RetroTrivia

#retrogaming #gaming #videogames #videogaming #videogame #game #gamer #games #yoshi #snes

Dorotea boosted

The #famicom games I got while in Japan. Got Mappy because I have been playing this with a friend off the flashcart lately. Got galaga coz galaga. The rest were cheap carts I got from the surugaya famicom "shooting" section, ranging between 400-800yen. #retrogaming #nintendo #nes

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!