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"The stellate memory of rocks slung by pentameters of the Orosirian age"

Happy new year!

The first 2023 painting of my 'Panpsychism' series.

#MastoArt #painting #abstract #Abstrakt #landscape #nature #art #artwork #abstractArt #fediart #artist

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It doesn't feel like 2023 it feels like 2022 Extended Support

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my resolution for 2023 will be 2560x1080 again
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"Son of a Gun", but like, in a scifi-horror kinda way

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Ryusui boosted

Finishing my yearly reading goal with 'Hogfather' was a pretty good choice.

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Ryusui boosted

if you trudge to the grocery store through pouring rain while listening to really dramatic music, it feels like you're on a quest to save the world

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"The Human's world ends soon," said the cat.
"Again?" said the dog.
"They are fond of endings and beginnings. Even if nothing changes."
The dog whined.
"Same procedure as last year?" said the cat.
The cat lay on the dog's head and purred, muffling the fireworks.
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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Ryusui boosted

Its easy to go backwards in time, just go slower than light.

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today was productive. i got a super game boy, and i cleaned all my snes games, so they all work now. hooray for rubbing alcohol and q-tips

the nes is proving more troublesome. the problem there seems to be with the 72-pin connector as much as it is with the cartridges, and i'm having trouble cleaning the connector effectively even with the top cover off

i'll watch some videos tomorrow and see if i can make any progress. in the meantime i have cleaning kits in the mail for my consoles and carts

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what is it that makes the nes' pin connector so susceptible to having its pins bend out of place over time, anyway? as far as i know it only happens for the nes, not the snes or other such consoles. is it a front-loader thing?

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Ryusui boosted

imagine its 1993 and you have a computer with 128 megabytes of ram and the luxury of a z buffer

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Ryusui boosted

Alright does anyone know Sublime Text Magic?

The main thing that had been holding me back from upgrading Sublime Text 3->4 is that "New View into File", a feature I use on at least an hourly basis, was removed.

I hacked it back in with a custom menu item.

PROBLEM: Now if I open a second view into a file, and close *one*, it thinks I'm closing *the entire file* and asks if I want to save. It shouldn't do that. I'm not closing the file, just a duplicate tab.

What should I do? :(

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Wait "Oliver & Company" is a fuckin Oliver Twist adaptation how did I miss that

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!