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Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

discord is migrating to universally unique usernames so here’s the proof that I was, in a glorious sunset era, 1337

Ryusui boosted

I've only had this job for like 2 weeks so far, I can't afford to burn down the HQ yet

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Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

FYI if anyone supports sending Pinkertons over some goddamn cards, we absolutely cannot be besties. Bye.

Ryusui boosted

Don’t put game trailers with slow intros on your Steam page!!!

Don’t listen to just me; this Reddit thread is full of people who skip over trailers in favor of screenshots when browsing Steam.

I think most of these people are talking about AAA games, but even if they aren’t, a lot of AAA game trailers with lots of logos and slow intros have trained them to assume trailers will not show gameplay until somewhere in the middle.

#gameDev #indiegamedev

Ryusui boosted

you're a cringefail, mr. grinch
a fucked up little guy
you reblog people's callouts and then tell them they should die, mr. gri-inch

blocked and reported, plus you're... on my dniiiiiii

Ryusui boosted

"But why are you still on Twitter?"

Listen. I am an internet ancient. I stood amidst LiveJournal as it crumbled while I watched the fall of Flickr. I was there both times Tumblr burned down, toasting marshmallows over its smouldering ruin, laughing at the folly of Verizon. The death of Twitter was foretold by the dark prophecies of the forgotten internets. I am there to witness its passing as the old internet is dying and the new internet struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters.

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Ryusui boosted

I found another function, it has 129 lines of closing parenthesis

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Ryusui boosted

Think I might fuck around and roll a new XIV Warrior of Light for use exclusively in VR. I need to find exciting new ways to be Small

Ryusui boosted

I would have so much more hope for humanity if twitter was literally destroyed by virtue of pissing off dril.

Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

Be the strange little creature that you want to see in the world.

Ryusui boosted

They finally cracked the Mayan calendar, and the reason they couldn't before is that the 819 days of the calendar have to be viewed across a 45-year time period to fully understand. 🤯

The Mayans were wild, man


Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

Someone please give me the power to use thoughts to explode predatory teachers into nothing but dust.

Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

i don't get follow for follow. i don't follow everybody who interacts with me. and a lot of toxic minded fediverse people have told me this is the wrong way to use this website ?? that i created ???? buddy i'm just here to broadcast my thoughts and you chose to follow me. i follow those who i want to hear too and that's not every single person here

Ryusui boosted

Working on this idea that videos on youtube escape into an ecosystem where they mutate and have sex with each other and are then studied by scientists as feral content

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!