Since there are no ads on Mastodon, I am offering to advertise for any companies on here. My only requirements are:
1. I get to write the ad.
2. The ad will in no way accurately portray your company and might state that you were responsible for the Cuban Missile Crisis.
3. For each post you must pay me $10,000 and write me a handwritten note that says I am your best friend.
4. You must put out an official statement stating that you take full responsibility for the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Last night I finished this fursona morph as a commission for Galuade, who was a pleasure to work with on all fronts!
Since I’m here 3 weeks now, my #Introduction. Basically a copy of my profile.
I’m a self-taught #artist and dabble in #OilPainting #acrylic #ink #watercolor #pastels and others. #VegetableGardening and #NativePlants take much of my time. I enjoy #hiking #birds #dogs #cats #parrots #birding #sewing #quilting #embroidery #crochet #knitting #crafts. I’m a #BleedingHeartLiberal and #caretaker at heart. I’m fluent in #sarcasm but usually try and rein it in. Appreciate boosts and follows. #Peace.
i may finally be internalizing Blender
i am making my #LD52 game in Godot and more than once now i have tried to press "X" to delete
I wonder if anyone has ever used a model of a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon as the test file for their physically based rendering engine
I was thinking about this as a "PBR PBR" pun but actually on reflection PBR cans have many interesting properties from a rendering perspective notice how the can is reflective, but only on the parts of the logo where there isn't any paint?
I am entirely able to believe someone chose the handle "loose moose". I struggle much harder internalizing the idea of an entire pack of loose meese
maker of tiny games | navigator of retail chaos | artist | FFXIV fan (Ryusui Teira@Brynhildr) | he/him | trans rights are human rights | death to crypto