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Honestly, need to write about the weirdo who made me read a book to "solve an HR" problem (and then was upset when I wrote him an explanation for why the book was garbage and he was gaslighting me).

Or, about the same guy, the many motivational meetings he kept holding. Including (and I shit you not) meeting he called a SPOON MEETING ("bring your favourite spoon!").

Or how school managers target the children of teachers in their schools in order to force teachers to do what they want, which happened way more than I want to even think about.

Like... so many stories.

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Emotionally rough day, hanging out with kind and cute friends made it better though

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I really hate trying to go to sleep while I'm upset.

Emphasis on trying.

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And suddenly I find myself in the court of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, stammering as I try to provide the necessary context for him to understand the word “weeb.”

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Heartbreaking: the best way to code these two similar but distinct cases is to just repeat nearly-identical code.

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The Paradox of Tolerance disappears if you look at tolerance, not as a moral standard, but as a social contract.

If someone does not abide by the terms of the contract, then they are not covered by it.

In other words: The intolerant are not following the rules of the social contract of mutual tolerance.

Since they have broken the terms of the contract, they are no longer covered by the contract, and their intolerance should NOT be tolerated.

[inspired by “Tolerance is not a moral precept”]

Ryusui boosted

in a moment of lovely synchronicity i rediscovered this David Byrne quote today.

"It can often seem that those in power don’t want us to enjoy making things for ourselves—they’d prefer to establish a cultural hierarchy that devalues our amateur efforts and encourages consumption rather than creation."

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My ideal work from home situation is at home but on a slightly out of phase demiplane

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Today in librarians in gaming: the absolutely killer bio for Emily Harmless in the new chapter of Get In the Car, Loser

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My spouse watches a lot of those true murder shows, and I watch a lot of those ghost shows. It is inevitable that one day one of my shows will just be the”part 2” of one of their shows.

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Ryusui boosted

I wonder how hard it would be to hack the windows UI so that every text box in the GUI was also a calculator.

like you click "new image" and you can just enter Width: 32*26, height: 32*4+8

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Ryusui boosted

With Matsumoto's passing, just wanted to remind everyone NOT to follow the @/LeijiverseUSA Twitter or FB account, because it's run by a known transphobe. Follow @999_wiki or @TimJEldred's Cosmo DNA fansite instead if you're looking for good quality Matsumoto info by good people.

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Ryusui boosted

PSA: Have you been a DS homebrew developer in 2008-2009? AntonioND is leading a project to archive lost versions of PAlib - maybe you have some on your hard drive? (PALib_*.7z files)

List and more information:

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The kind of people who don't care that they're buying a game which is pretty much directly contributing to an active attempted genocide of trans people... are also not likely going to think - or care - about the extreme antisemitism at the core of the game's narrative.

There aren't a lot of people who are totally okay with handwaving trans genocide that are going to do a 180 on it just because of the antisemitism that they can ignore.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!