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Ryusui boosted

if i were the kind of programmer who made suites of small interconnected tools and i had an idea for one worthy of the name i'd totally call it CowTools

Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

was anybody going to tell me ESA was gearing up to launch the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer on Homestuck Day or was i meant to find that out on my own

Ryusui boosted

calculator progress: got the clickable buttons working and user input is possible! I gotta work on how everything looks and how I formation is displayed 😅

Ryusui boosted

To kill a French vampire, you need to drive a baguette through their heart. That might sound easy, but I assure you, it's painstaking.

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Ryusui boosted

Hey @BoozyBadger how do you say "if you do some stupid shit and bad things happen because you treated the cryptic utterances of a weirdo living in a cave as anything other than entertainment, that's on you and not the cave-dwelling weirdo" but in lawyer

Ryusui boosted

oh my sweet flaming jesus, this game actually encodes their text files with UTF-8.
I think this is the first time I have ever seen a game be this sensible.

Ryusui boosted

i know that tech companies having a neutral stance on unionization is strictly a good thing, but i think it would be funny if a tech company was explicitly pro-union

"hey, you guys should consider unionizing"
"but steve, you're... you're the ceo"
"form a fucking union or we'll start a round of layoffs"

Ryusui boosted

@v Okay but you're missing the wildest part about the Hypercard user levels

Old Mac OS shipped with a Hypercard "player" that was like a free demo version. It could play stacks other people made, but it was limited to creator level 3.

Somehow, I assume because Bill Atkinson was actually ideologically motivated, the version that actually shipped had a cheat code where you could type in "Magic!" to the debug console box and it would unlock the full version, usually like $150.

Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

Some people try to call him a patchwork god, like the act of fusing two things into one is somehow new, or unique, or shameful. He hopes they’ve never eaten a peanut butter cup in their short, tormented lifetimes, because if they have, they’ll have some explaining to do when they get to his corner of the afterlife.

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Ryusui boosted

I need to do laundry. Instead I am writing a software-based shared-exponent floating point vector implementation that I have no practical use for at all

Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

Roses are red, my code is a disaster
git push --force origin master

Ryusui boosted

I've decided to fight injustice by stealing any outdoor infrastructure that isn't wheelchair accessible. For the moment it's more of an aspiration, though — so far I haven't taken any concrete steps.

Ryusui boosted

if i had a nickel for every time a formerly Japan-only RPG featuring historical figure Sakamoto Ryoma was given a remake with a Western localization, i'd have two nickels

which isn't much, but it's weird that it happened twice

Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

The carbon footprint of a single Bitcoin transaction easily exceeds the per passenger carbon footprint of a direct flight from New York to London.

On top of that the average e-waste generation per Bitcoin transaction is also equivalent to throwing away an iPad.

For daily updates on this data and more background check:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!