@transfaeries @purple Thanks about the picture :blobcatheart:
(Also super that Arlo Barnes uploaded it to Wikimedia)

@davidrevoy yay thank you for drawing it and making it free. I was very tickled to find it in Wikimedia.

@transfaeries Oh, I was wondering if David Revoy ever drew Xenia! Adorable...

@transfaeries how it feels to boot into linux for 30 minutes after 12 hours of work you have to do on windows because the software does not fucking work under wine

@transfaeries@computerfairi.es we need more pictures of tux and (whats the fox girl names again) zenia(?) together being friend

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!