Playing some Final Fantasy XIV on stream ^ ^. We're in stormblood MSQ.
On Today's stream we're gonna be exploring Text To Speech and Speech To Text Capabilities and maybe taking the first steps to building an AItuber
I just found what is perhaps the cutest picture in the open internet
From Dorlotons Degooglisons by David Revoy
the @faebot speaks
we got a conversational version of faebot running, with rudimentary memory. There's still a million things to do but this is pretty fun.
we'll write a full devlog in a bit. main difference is that it's just prompted gpt-3 rather than fine tuned. she doesn't have the signature madness of the social media faebots.
Faebot DevLog 1
@faebot is a project we've been working on for almost 10 years. We've never wrote at length about it. I'm not sure that I will do the whole backstory in this post, since I mostly want to talk about recent changes, but here's a primer.
let's get a group of queer commies together and pilmigrage pilgrimage to the lenin statue in the pole of inaccessibility and make a movie about it who's in?
transfaeries plural system
cn drugs
mad pride