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Playing a little bit of Dark Souls II on stream, with Ember and Yume

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On Today's stream we're gonna be exploring Text To Speech and Speech To Text Capabilities and maybe taking the first steps to building an AItuber

"that's right, the government will pay for it"
"That's amazing!"

Boost to make the government pay for it

Today we pulled off a seven year gender transition in the span of a couple minutes

the @faebot speaks

we got a conversational version of faebot running, with rudimentary memory. There's still a million things to do but this is pretty fun.

we'll write a full devlog in a bit. main difference is that it's just prompted gpt-3 rather than fine tuned. she doesn't have the signature madness of the social media faebots.

Faebot DevLog 1

@faebot is a project we've been working on for almost 10 years. We've never wrote at length about it. I'm not sure that I will do the whole backstory in this post, since I mostly want to talk about recent changes, but here's a primer.

let's get a group of queer commies together and pilmigrage pilgrimage to the lenin statue in the pole of inaccessibility and make a movie about it who's in?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!