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I am satisfied with the way they advanced Peanut Hamper's plot

re: selfie, fangs 

@aquinton oh oh wow, those are real nice

Mh sightly - 

I wish I could let myself be depressed in peace

The above is a tweet by the account 'Ponies And Drugs', which is a little bit of both. The reason I bring this up is because, well, we've got some interesting times coming up for our little pony over here. Ponyville

Critical Support for Ellen Jerico from MacGyver episode "Jerico Games"

mastodon has a bigger european presence tho. I still seem to follow a lot of anarchist cryptography people (it sucks that I have to spell out cryptography rather than just say crypto) from like before. and that's cool.

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I think it feels like most of my friends from twitter migrated to cohost rather than here, but I need to use both cause just one isn't enough. also I haven't been able to find all of them on cohost

@whitequark we finally started using it and cohost more after more or less leaving twitter for good. it's very different, but it's not too bad. Can't spend as much time on here.

trans woman in the year 23: Putabam me gravem esse artificem independentem 2000 annorum ex nunc

Show thread I'm the hauptmieter I have a mietvertrag

I can see how the magic of marketing works and it's truly cursed knowledge

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!