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Think we're gonna try not shaving for a bit and just being a furry beast.

The problem is that, naturally, it's too monkey. I don't want to be monkey.

but first I'm going to follow a bunch of people from twitter

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I feel like I'm going to have to unfollow or mute a lot of people to make this timeline even slightly functional

I had a dream last where I was a poetry reading in a church basement. This dude was there with a two-by-four with the words "RIGHT ON" burnt into it and three strings nailed below the words. He went up and said "This is my poem, it's called "Right On.'" Then he said "Right on," and strummed the three strings, which were tuned to play a dissonant chord, like when you fuck up at Guitar Hero. It was the funniest fucking thing I'd ever heard.

Years ago I bought a collection of IBM Selectric Typewriter β€˜golf balls’ (including some rarer ones) from a typewriter repair shop. Once upon a time this was how fonts were stored for the machine. The owner literally used his arm to shovel them into a cardboard box like he couldn’t get rid of them fast enough, in a shop full of hundreds of them. A good memory. #design #typography #typewriter #fonts

I have kept moving my followings over and over from my first mastodon account. Of those accounts that are still active, I kind of feel like I need to re-meet everyone. and re-introduce ourselves maybe

hoi we're the faeries

this is the end of our introduction

listening to fire emblem three houses music, but like only trying to listen to the chill monastery bgms

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!