Okay stuff like this(https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/7391#issuecomment-389261480) is why skynet is going to have happened
*bots that are in the same ballpark sentience of your average human
@Gargron tootbot deserves the same rights as their fleshy counterpart, which in this case would be covered by animal cruelty laws at the level of insects
More intelligent bots would deserve the rights of their closest fleshy counterpart in terms of sentience
A bot as sentient as a dog would get rights equivalent to a dog, dolphins as equivalent to dolphins, and human-level sentience would get the same rights as a human gets
@troubleMoney @Gargron Uh-oh, equating sentience and intelligence, are we?
@troubleMoney @TootBot deserves the same rights as a human?