this post is essentially just a press release for the company in question, but I still love the idea. "The system is 'fully charged' when the crane has created a tower of concrete blocks around it. The total energy that can be stored in the tower is 20 megawatt-hours (MWh), enough to power 2,000 Swiss homes for a whole day."

human energy technologies, a medley

(1) set living things on fire
(2) feed some living things to other living things and make them pull and lift stuff
(3) put a wheel in the way of moving wind or water
(4) set the remains of distant dead ancestors on fire
(5) put a lot of dangerous rocks together in one place until they get more dangerous and really hot
(6) use the sun to lift and stack heavy things, and then drop them later


@aparrish I think 1,4, and 6 can be smushed together as just "use stuff what is on fire"

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