I've just learned that the trophy for winning the superbowl isn't a bowl
I thought you got like, a really good bowl for winning
Probably something really blingy
Why's it called a bowl?
@troubleMoney oh, because they play inside a giant bowl
they get a giant big-ass bowl and they fill it with dirt and fake grass and then play a game in it
@InspectorCaracal I know little enough about USAian sports that that sounds both completely legit and made up
I'm choosing to believe it
@troubleMoney @InspectorCaracal well, stadiums ARE kinda bowl-shaped, when they have seats all around...
@troubleMoney Wait, what!?
@kirby really, there are no bowls involved in the superbowl
unless it's @InspectorCaracal 's suggestion of "well the stadium is a bowl shape"
@troubleMoney @InspectorCaracal Are there at least any owls?
@kirby @InspectorCaracal not that I can tell, it's really quite bizarre
@troubleMoney its called a bowl bc of some historical bullshit that i cant be arsed to sum up
@troubleMoney And why is what they do called 'football'? Why do they wear space helmets and ballet tights? Why do they pat bums? Why does it take 3 hours of tv to show only an avg of 12 minutes of actual play? So many questions.
Now, if the trophy was a really fancy one of these then I'd fully understand, but it's not, the trophy for the superbowl is an elongated spheroid on a stick