british isles pol
"Sinn Féin criticised for 'England get out of Ireland' banner"
I... what? Have people somehow not been aware that "England shouldn't have political power over Ireland (specifically northern Ireland in this case)" is Sinn Féin's whole thing?
re: british isles pol
@troubleMoney oh my god I'm cracking up about the "meanwhile in the US this band was treated nicely" Y'ALL. Y'ALL REMEMBER WHAT THE US DID, RIGHT.
re: british isles pol
@troubleMoney holding up the attitude in a town in the US as some sort of Epitome of Good Will and I'm like
we kicked England out, remember
that was a thing that happened
re: british isles pol
@troubleMoney "Sinn Féin said the criticism was "faux outrage" and "political point scoring"." well that's on the nose