footsyballsy (american handegg) is so incredibly money-gated as a sport it's surprising to me that it's such a big thing over there

for a footsyballsy game you need:
- hundreds of dollars of kit per person
- special balls
- big goal thingies built on each side of a field

for football you need:
- one mostly round thing

@troubleMoney while you're correct that you need that for real, actual footsyballsy, I can say that when you're a kid, all you need to play footsyballsy with other neighborhood kids is the egg-shaped ball, a yard, and a couple bushes or trees far enough apart to act as "goal lines"

@balrogboogie huh...

I was lead to believe that the kit was necessary due to the sheer amount of child-sized body armour and other assorted footsyballsy things being sold each year

@troubleMoney oh, if you want to play in any kind of "official" league, then yes it is necessary (because without the gear, injuries would be way to high for any organization to be liable for)

but for informal games, kids either tough it out & play tackle-style footsyballsy without gear, or they play a variation which doesn't involve as much contact. the two variations ... (con't)

@troubleMoney ...I know of are "touch" (where you replace tackling with a singel touch) or "flag" (where you wear a handkerchief in your belt or pocket that needs to be taken to count as a "tackle")

@sydneyfalk @troubleMoney hmmm, are you sure we can't blame yellow racketsy-ballsy on the English?

@sydneyfalk @troubleMoney while we're at it though, I must say that we americans were not the ones to call it "soccer," we got that from the English before they changed their minds and went back to calling it Football 😛

@balrogboogie @sydneyfalk no, a bunch of posh pricks started calling it soccer before we beat it out of them

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