ukpol, +
In a good sign that UKIP are finished, they got fewer votes than the Monster Raving Loony Party in the Brecon and Radnorshire by-election
re: ukpol, +
@troubleMoney oh my gosh that's the ACTUAL NAME OF THE PARTY
re: ukpol, +
@InspectorCaracal oh yeah, gotta love 'em
their manifestos are always fantastic
re: ukpol, +
@troubleMoney I wish the US political system lent itself to those kinds of things, so much.
ukpol, +
@sydneyfalk yeah, pretty much
add The Goodies for more nonsense, Yes Minister for how the government used to be run, and The Thick of It for how the government runs now and you'll have a full overview of UK culture
ukpol, +
@sydneyfalk yeah, you can count them as appendices
also add Only Fools and Horses but that's a bit more localised to London
ukpol, +
@troubleMoney Yeah, but Fartage already jumped ship to start the Brexit Party, so...