I've just woken up
...feral hogs?
@noelle this raises more questions
@troubleMoney @noelle well, okay, honestly that's the only question
why are there so MANY of them
@InspectorCaracal @noelle there's also "where are they coming from", "why do you have to kill them in 3-5 minutes", "why are your kids playing where there are 30-50 feral hogs", and "there are these things called fences"
@InspectorCaracal @noelle that last one's more of a statement than a question I know but it certainly raises it
@troubleMoney @noelle the "where are they coming from" is probably the same answer as why there are so many, and I dunno about the 3-5 minutes specifically but overall I got the impression of "I need to dispose of these ASAP while my kids are occupied so they don't see the bloodshed"
@troubleMoney something that filtered into here from twitter, it's ridiculous