
Seems I can put "fixing electronic adjustable beds" on my list of skills

Charity shop my dad works for got a non-functional adjustable bed donated, asked me to take a look at it, turns out it needed some new relays

As a standard bed it would have gone for £20-30, just putting £4 of new relays in there means they can get £150

Not a bad 10 minutes work

@a_breakin_glass aaa, I'm already the "laptop fixer" for up there!

Also the mobile phone tech

laptops? send it to you
phones? send it to you
electric beds? send it to you
drones? send it to you
vintage synthesizers? maybe send it to you
robots? send it to you

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!