
I've realised that some non-English-English speakers may be confused by the British reaction to Mark Zuckerberg sending other people in his place after his invitation to speak to the UK Parliament

While "you are invited to Parliament to speak on this subject" may be interpreted as "we'd like you come and talk if it's not too much bother" to some foreign ears, the phrase actually means "COME HERE RIGHT THIS SECOND YOU LITTLE SHIT AND EXPLAIN YOURSELF"

@troubleMoney @PinkCathodeCat And Z. Actually sends someone. When Germany asked the British government to explain the Snowden findings and what the GHCQ does, they didn't give a shit.

The idea that he'd turn down the honour of having Parliament as an audience indicates a lack of respect for the government in Her Majesty's name.

Americans are known to show disrespect toward the crown; not surprising. As if businessmen can be expected to behave in the absence of a monarch for guidance.

If the crown decides to bring us back under its wing, count me a loyalist. We deserve a local government, but the lack of a monarch is why we're stuck with Trump.

@troubleMoney Might there also be some confusion over the fact that Mark Zuckerberg is in fact not a British subject, so they can't really order him to do anything?

@thor nowt to do with being a UK citizen or not (people aren't "Subjects" any more (except in some very rare circumstances)), it's a case of "if we invite you to speak here it's technically optional, but you fucking better be dead or dying if you don't"

@thor it's like your mother in law coming to visit

you can technically say no, but you don't

@troubleMoney I sort of liked the quaintness of "subject"... Something about the Queen, tea and crumpets...

@troubleMoney Reminds me of an Anne Bishop book I read once where the older mentor figure had to explain that "at your earliest convenience" in a letter from the Queen means "drop everything and run."

@troubleMoney I've probably read too much British works.

but I understood the message crystal clear. "Show up or be sanctioned"

@pnathan @troubleMoney I'm pretty sure that's how it works with any parliamentary or congressional body.

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