
fictional abuse, relationship and parental 

basically they were being abused by their sad and their first girlfriend throughout high school, and this has given them some Problems in their present ~27 year old self. if they thought they were a cis boy in high school, the narrative would be how they have problems with comp het and the general guilt that comes alongside being. happy and gay. and also have the usual gender shit crisis.

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fictional abuse, relationship and parental 

wrt to their dad being hypermasculine. but if they thought they were a cis girl in a lesbian relationship in high school, it would be more about being afraid to leave a relationship with someone who is hurting you because they wouldnt have had any real community to turn to. and that would speak more to their general distrust of the concept that anyone might have their back and still keep the skittishness around a hot 6'2 butch lesbian who makes you laugh

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