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shes a grown ass adult who flat has no idea how to clean

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oh my godddd i am. tired of having to baby bennies mother.

she fucked up my organizational system for something i was in the middle of cleaning because she thought she was helping and then lost something she wanted to keep and had me dig through everything she messed up while i had to hold her hand and baby her because she looked like she was going to cry if i so much as suggested something was out of place

is twitter being fucky or did something happen to my account

🥭 boosted

The gender today is the smell of onions sauteeing and someone else doing the laundry.

after "be tired and twitchy all the time"

oh right i forgot that phase 2 of being in close contact with other people is "become ineffectually angry constantly in a way that doesn't have an off switch"

irl friend: "it's morally reprehensible to wish illness on someone, no matter how much you dislike them!!!"

me, who has been wishing death and illness on many people for a hot minute now:

jessie helps him cut it later when he moves in with them. then it's just slightly frizzy instead of a disaster

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he doesn't leave his apartment and therefore doesn't care what it looks like so long as it's out of good face and doesn't tangle too badly (it tangles badly anyway :( )

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ethan's hair in tvb is just overgrown and tangled. ethan's hair in demon hunting universe looks like he cut it in the mirror in the dark, because that it exactly what he did

fistfighting my absolute hardest of overly hot weather vs my desire to move to socal so i can be within spitting distance of my high school best friends again

the rest are nonbinary of some flavor. 14 of them are nonbinary as defined by human gender binaries, 7 are operating on a nonhuman concept of genderlessness. im not totally sure where to put witch? but theyre also nonbinary

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okay i did just tally it up bc i was curious: i have 3 cis men ocs, all of whom are gay (hobbes, alain, victor), 5 cis women ocs, all lesbians (candi, cas, marienne, violet, maria), 6 binary trans men ocs, none of whom are straight (brent, pyr, nick, caleb, aleks, ethan), 6 binary trans women ocs, none straight (willow, noelle, lorelai, crystal, jessie, A)

I FORGOT ABOUT ALAIN he is also a cis gay man. hes a vampire though so its okay

fictional abuse, relationship and parental 

wrt to their dad being hypermasculine. but if they thought they were a cis girl in a lesbian relationship in high school, it would be more about being afraid to leave a relationship with someone who is hurting you because they wouldnt have had any real community to turn to. and that would speak more to their general distrust of the concept that anyone might have their back and still keep the skittishness around a hot 6'2 butch lesbian who makes you laugh

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fictional abuse, relationship and parental 

basically they were being abused by their sad and their first girlfriend throughout high school, and this has given them some Problems in their present ~27 year old self. if they thought they were a cis boy in high school, the narrative would be how they have problems with comp het and the general guilt that comes alongside being. happy and gay. and also have the usual gender shit crisis.

its basically just if the real of their backstory villain was compulsory heterosexuality or something fairly projection-y about lgbt isolation and toxicity within communities that are cut off from larger support networks

still dunno if they're dfab or dmab. it matters a little in how id write them so i feel like i should sort this out at some point but ehhhh. theyre gender

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!