honestly, though, in what other mmorpg do you get https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdV_bzJgRxE pop metal, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hb0P9jHV8dQ lightswitch rave electronica, and https://youtu.be/FV_IP4mNJCI a giant bug singing opera about how psyched he is to fight you and also everything else in the entire world? oh and just some really good classical shit too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAHFZR0D9ss that theme still makes me want to just like. rip off my shirt and run around the house screaming FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@wigglytuffitout Gosh, I've started sorta wanting to play it again and now I'm just
@wigglytuffitout Oh gosh :C
I'm sorry you had that experience friend
@wigglytuffitout Yeah, definitely
Hope it goes well for ya if you do get back into it, and I can poke you if I ever do the same, if you'd like?
@whiiskers of course! 💖 and when i do, i'll get back to updating my ffxiv blog (calamityjanine.tumblr.com) too ^0^
@wigglytuffitout Oooooh, awesome!
@whiiskers ty lol, it happens! fortunately i think i'm just about poised for a comeback but you know how it is. gotta recharge sometimes lol