more political grumbling 

this was a longer rant but i'm going to condense it down to

boy, some people use "abrahamic religions" when they really mean "i'm going to bank on the audience's anti-christian sentiment and ignorance of judaism and islam to sneak in some real whack islamophobic and antisemitic viewpoints"

if you want to say "christianity" just say "christianity". don't 'just a spoonful of sugar' bigoted shit in there.


more political grumbling 

and of course this morning i see this yet again and nearly roll my eyes back into my head so far that i can see my own brain

yeah i think 'abrahamic religions' are going to be better at the not telling people to go to hell challenge than you think, given that, to my knowledge, JUDAISM DOES NOT INCLUDE THE CONCEPT OF HELL, OR AT LEAST NOT THE CONCEPT OF "GO BURN IN IT" YOU'RE BANKING ON HERE

just say christianity!!!! JUST SAY CHRISTIANITY!!!

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