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note that these are not exactly what i'd call GOOD jokes, in fact i explicitly warned you all that these are terrible pokemon names

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i didn't mean to mark the pics as sensitive but y'know what, sure i guess, let's keep doing that. it's like you gotta reveal the punchline to many stupid jokes, it's good

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hello and welcome to: The Stupid Names I've Given My in .

my pokemans. let me show you them. there are like 20 so this is going to be A Thread

so i looked at the headlines and here's a stolen political Mood from facebook

i'm so surprised that this is a meme i saw on facebook before i saw it on here

these are horrid pictures

however more stickers came from today, so The Stickering Continues Apace

and now, apropos of nothing,

tanking and healing classes in matched up with lolita fashion and related substyles.

cw for eye contact and me creating an absolute waste of time

these were not the frogs i was looking for but Holy Shit check out these round boys

anyway i have a lot of feelings and i'm going to put them in the goddamn tag because the tragic humanity of the character is an essential part that gets lost

for further reading/listening, please see this ancient fanmix i made yonks ago , "a lightly southern-gothic-flavoured mix for everyone's favourite country slave turned sith", because that description and cover art tells you like 90% of what my strong darth vader characterization feelings are about.

the duality of defining characters

above is the link to several pages of flowery words in enigmatic style that are designed to make the reader feel emotions

and below is a description of the same character that i did in mspaint and entitled "davalia.gif"

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also y'all please observe this really really terrible t-shirt that keeps making me laugh SO fucking much i cannot express why or how but i keep fucking losing it

so the fedi timeline is apparently Jazz Time and so i'm assuming it's just this now

so i saw this screenshot a friend linked on twitter

and in response

i quickly mspainted together all i could think of

Stupid Sexy Urianger strikes again

cw'd for eye contact + while not technically nsfw i feel like it is in the spirit of nsfw in that it would be a bit of a doing to explain to a nosy boss glimpsing it over your shoulder

ah fuck okay i should go the fuck to sleep i gotta be up in 7 hours to get up to go see the lawyer about appealing my disability benefits getting taken away because they declared me 'totes fit to work' literally less than 2 weeks before my surgery and so i see a lawyer the day before surgery ha haHAa AHA AHAH.


goo nite

i ordered a delicious dinner and it's here and i'm so hungry but pain is like "lmao nah"............

moonfire faire coming up i think you mean PERFECT EXCUSE FOR NEW SUMMER GLAM TIME

cw for eye contact of a virtual catgirl

the real magic of ffxiv is finding a group of people who play well AND appreciate your jokes

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!