
With the impending closure of Cohost, I'm having to do some real thinking about where my online home is, anymore. Maybe here? But I'm still attempting to find the people I lost when I had to close down my Twitter, and I worry about putting all my social eggs in one basket.

Sure as hell not going all in on Tumblr again.

One thing I do want to say plain and clear, where it can be seen by the person it matters to: thank you, @mavica_again for so graciously hosting my Golfshrine. I hope one day to repay that.

@wildweasel It feels like everyone's getting scattered to the wind a little bit, huh. I'm also missing quite a few people from the twit site, many of whom never left as far as I'm aware

@lunarloony @wildweasel I feel the same. I spend time on here now, on bsky, on twitch, on discord... but I've lost many connections from twitter and don't expect to ever get them back. Still, I don't exactly mourn the centralized internet, and it kind of takes me back to the days when we had friend groups scattered around on various messageboards and chat clients. It'll be a challenge but it might be for the better.

@wildweasel best i’ve got for now is using my YouTube and now also Twitch to host links to my other online presences. while i don’t do as much with those, they’re at least even less likely to vanish.

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