@Siphonay I will wait for CoD (Clippy of Death) to politely, but intrusively give me entirely useless information about the cause of the operating system's crash
@pizza cubic feet is so strange 🙃 I cannot help but think of small box-shaped feet now...
It's long been said that your phone has more computing power than the computers on apollo 11 which went to the moon
today it's more accurate to say that your phone charger has more computing power than the computers on apollo 11 which went to the moon
On misogynoir: citation, erasure, and plagiarism by Moya Bailey and Trudy
“Misogynoir describes the anti-Black racist misogyny that Black women experience. Despite coining the term in 2008 and writing about the term online since 2010, we experience, to varying degrees, our contributions being erased, our writing not cited, or our words plagiarized by people who find the word compelling.”
Very inspiring article. What good a single hacker can do with a couple of raspberry pis and an inventive mind: https://blog.haschek.at/2018/fight-child-pornography-with-raspi-and-deep-learning.html
My new e-bookshop is open!
I believe discovery, fairness and inclusivity are at the heart of digital bookselling.
Inclusive and DRM-free
All formats for all devices, no need to convert. You get a DRM-free e-book that works and is yours to keep.
Fair means fair
Authors get 80% of the profit. No deep discounts, or e-books that cost the same as the print version.
Genuine discovery
A curated e-bookshop, every title read and loved before hitting the shelves.
I'm working on a mechanical automatic rainfall-triggered irrigation shutoff valve for my mechanical engineering senior design project, and I'm wondering what folks with more gardening experience think of the concept. Existing rain sensors are all electronic; I was thinking the purely mechanical system would make it better-suited for off-grid, low-impact applications.
Does this sound interesting to you? I could use feedback from people who know more about #gardening and #diy
...Huh. A group of three homeless people just came to my door because they heard I have personal hygiene kits (toothbrush, toothpaste, etc)
I... did happen to have some of those things from previous volunteer work, but I don't normally stock them, and I'm curious where they heard that! I keep like, period supplies around, maybe a game of telephone got that mixed up?
Give me some of your money so I can buy toothpaste and toothbrushes for people who need them.
"Neofeud is an ambitious, intelligent, from-the-heart one-man cyberpunk adventure-game tour-de-force" --DeluxeTux
My game's on sale on Itch and Steam! Help me make rent! :D
#indiegame #cyberpunk #showoffhour
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/673850/Neofeud/
Itch: https://silverspook.itch.io/neofeud
Decolonization, Games, Indigenous Devs
I'll be speaking to more indigenous game devs tomorrow about making games that tell new stories. Here's last week's with Allen Turner of DePaul University:
US settler colonialism / gun rights
i've been reading An Indigenous People's History of the US, and it made a point i hadn't considered before: the second amendment and citizen militias were codified into law in order to create a legal cover for armed settler mobs to organize genocidal acts on the frontier. today, the second amendment folks, militia folks, NRA, etc are pushing to perpetuate the legal allowance for armed mobs to go to war with the "other"
the militia types are not "cosplaying" they are a codified part of settler colonialist power
@DissidentKitty I love that Kirby was like "anytime you feel like it, creeps" in response to harassment
am >30y/o, love my SO, food & nature, long walks, and longer cuddles.