
Wondering about fellow autistics:


Do any of you find video/audio being out of sync - on your TV, your computer, where ever - to be completely disorienting? I can't watch it. I'm in a telecon right now where the video and audio are about 2 seconds off from each other, and I had to minimize the window, so I was just listening. It's almost a panic reaction, when I can't fix it.

@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic not autistic, but adhd and YES! I just can’t with it. It makes me tense off.

@ScottSoCal Yes! When that happens I tend to turn the sound off and use the subtitles (if there are any).

@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic I’ve only had this happen a few times and it’s weird and makes me uncomfortable, but thankfully it rarely happens.

What gets under my skin on a much more regular basis is when subtitles don’t match up. I have subtitles on for just about everything I can because I like having a way to double check the dialogue, but I can hear all the times they don’t quite match and it needles me. Netflix anime can be the worst because the English subs titles are (I assume) set to the Japanese dub and not the English Dub, so you get lines that are almost completely different and it drives me up the wall!

@polaris @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic Do you mean when the subtitles don't even translate that they are actually saying?

I'll always remember an episode of "Un village français." We had to watch it with subtitles because my ex-wife doesn't speak French.

At some point there's a man standing next to a linotype machine asking about moving "la lino." The English subtitles were about moving "the linoleum." 🤦

What the hell? There's no linoleum in the scene, but there's a linotype machine. Still, they go for linoleum.

(I also doubt that French folks in France refer to linoleum as "la lino" but I could be mistaken. I'm French-Canadian.)

There was another time where someone was talking about 2 or 3 items out of a whole set, and it was turned into 2/3 in English, if I recall correctly. 2 or 3 of the set is much less than 2/3. (I don't remember how big the set was.)

@yourautisticlife @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic Not quite that bad, thankfully, but more like there's words missing or rearranged that just stand out next to the verbal dialogue

@yourautisticlife @polaris @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic as a French, I confirm the linoleum could be "le lino" ("male", as we have no neutral gender) and the linotype would be "la lino" ("female", same reasons). The moste interesting point seems to be that subtitles (and, worse, dubbing) suck in any language 😂 . Even as french speakers, we always watch series in their original language, mostly for this reason.

@LaurentB45 @polaris @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic Yeah, that's what I thought though sometimes we French-Canadians and people from France don't always agree on which genders words have. Like we say "un vidéo" where you'd say "une vidéo."

@yourautisticlife @LaurentB45 @polaris @actuallyautistic

OK, but it's different. I think you need to declare war and force them to admit you're right.
That's how it's done, right?

@polaris @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic In my case, I remember watching something which was originally in English but which had the option for both a Spanish voiceover and Spanish subtitles, and using that combination to practice Spanish a bit.

The experiment ended after about 10 minutes because the subtitles were totally out of sync with the voice, with maybe 1 in 3 or 4 words completely different. It was too disorienting to continue.

@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic omg yes.

If it’s outta sync, if they play music with lyrics during dialogue, if it’s a clear channel top 40 song shoehorned in a scene it doesn’t fit: music/audio in media I consume can cause me to have a visceral reaction.

Glad to hear I’m not alone.

@flexghost @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic audio processing issues are fun, aren’t they? I need cc when watching tv bc any other noise means I can’t understand it. I learned to read lips (sort of) to help me in noisy environments.

@kataklysm @flexghost @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic
Aren't out of sync audio & subs universally upsetting?

A subtler issue: the film Iorram (Boat Song) took old voice recordings of Gaelic speaking fisher folk & paired them with English subs & new visuals of modern fishers.

But the new visuals didn't always match thematically, AND, visual scene switches/edits often followed a timing unrelated to the subs/voices. The effect was SICKENINGLY disorienting for me & another #ActuallyAutistic friend.

@kataklysm @flexghost @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic

Also on #Subtitles & being #ActuallyAutistic :

I can be slow at processing both text & audio, but subtitles do help with the audio. Yet these days I find subtitles flash by too quickly.

When people are speaking rapidly that's fair enough; but sometimes the subs disappear too soon despite long pauses before the next line of dialogue.

It's a disability issue & an odd choice by film-makers in an era of better accessibility awareness.

@kataklysm @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic Omg CC changed my life for the better. When I go to mom’s to watch movies we always have them on now. She even does it when I’m not there

@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic it's SO frustrating. It happens A LOT on Disney + and immediately shut down the app, also, sometimes I download the content.

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