sometimes i dream that a cooperative emerges and takes care of a browser that is not primarily a tool for commerce
Many people have said "teach everyone to code!" or cheer-leaded for "learning to code!" but there hasn't been enough discussion about what a Computer Science component to a liberal arts education ought to look like.
In mathematics we have many lists and trees of what mathematicians think people ought to learn, what order it should be learned in.
Not so in computer science. We just say "learn to code" this would be like if math people said "learn to integrate functions!"
In the cloud-native wasteland there's always that "cattle vs pets" talk.
This implies that hyperscaler cloud madness is nothing but a digital meatgrinder.
So, #permacomputing is digital veganism?
I want a #SPARC laptop so bad!!! #Tadpole , #natutetech
#powerpc is also cool, but a lot of them involve mac
Ok, I just installed linux and the experience sucked. Everything worked at the first try, even in advance mode all was flawless.
This is not the experience I remember, where is the need to spend 4 hrs figuring how why the wifi card is not working, or trying 30 different configurations of X.
Now what I am suposse to do? Just use it? Where is the learning at the hard way?
The 2005 rise of #x86 till whenever Intel's fall will be, will surely be known as the technological darkage.
Scientists are growing concerned that infections of the SARS-CoV-2 virus may be triggering more cases of chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS): #CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #MaskUp #MECFS #LongCovid
Baby steps of learning r and p̶y̶t̶h̶o̶n̶ now rust oop kinda annoyed me.
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Follow requests have been turned on solely because a previous irl friend is stalking me on this account and I don't know their account name. If this is you, pls just stop.
Lots of body no worky
Just a puppy