can't afford to get into gatchas, also, too much math
the only exceptions are Genshin because my offline pals are into it, strictly F2P
& I wanna get into Love Live, not because I want cards, outfits, or whatever
but because the songs are cute and it'd be nice to have a tap tap game on my phone
@dragonmagic love live yeah~ ... I played thru the first version around when the second season came out. songs are good, art is good, enjoyable tapper.
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!
the only exceptions are Genshin because my offline pals are into it, strictly F2P
& I wanna get into Love Live, not because I want cards, outfits, or whatever
but because the songs are cute and it'd be nice to have a tap tap game on my phone