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"wow I can't believe you remember all of that!"

because it fucked me up! hope that helps :)

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it’s been awhile, updating my

I’m Friday, a mostly nocturnal 30 lesbian/ace-disaster cis-lady scaly stoner #420

I use this account for sharing slice of life type of things and out of the blue posts about

hoping to post more weird , but I’ve kinda given up on being a freelance artist as a career

my all consuming hobbies are animation, , and video games

current obsessions are , monster hunter, SK8, yuri on ice, and yuru camp

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trying to motivate myself to do things 

(to the tune of 'into the woods') 🎶

The tasks are just things, the things are just stuff, the stuff is just chores, the chores are just things to do, the things to do are just stuff,

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these kids online don't even know what vellum is, like they didn't take art history several times in college and became obsessed with illuminated manuscripts

Tsk tsk

Vernal equinox. When winter is gone and spring starts. Sparrows begin to nest in the trees. Cherry blossoms start to bloom. Heavy rains bring distant thunder. 🌸

the sun returned so I finally feel closer to a humanoid rather than an animated skeleton

magnesium is a super important nutrient and if you have migraines / anxiety / depression / heart palpitations etc it's worth looking into getting a decent quality magnesium supplement (not magnesium citrate and if you can avoid it, not magnesium oxide). it can help with mood, stress, and migraines!! most people in the USA are magnesium deficient. this has been my regularly scheduled magnesium rant

food and medication CW 

I've given up on being able to swallow "regular" size fish oil pills

just hope I'm not being trolled by reddit when a couple of nerds suggested flavored liquid fish oil to take instead...

Start of spring. Fish appear in icy ponds and the bush warblers start singing in the mountains. 🐟

Big cold. Temperatures drop low and the chill deepens. Ice thickens on the streams. Hens huddle together and begin laying eggs. 🐔

Critters spotted on a walk 

Wild turkey (from a distance)
Overhead some geese

Dogs 🐶
Huge fluffy husky
Thin mixed ???-type
Short hair black lab that looked SO soft
A couple of German shepherds

I know I have boosted that bat photo before but it's the most cartoon character expression for a beanie baby anatomy combo that delights me

another day I do not understand anything I see online from any direction

big pet peeve online lately is when someone tags their art as "crappy", "bad", "shitty"

and it's just a simple line sketch

not something exaggerated for comedy's sake, just a doodle

you are bullying yourself, you are letting your audience know that you hate yourself and that it's okay to insult your artwork


if you're wondering why you're not improving maybe stop being so eager to label your art as good or bad and shift your focus on making more art

my bad everybody, looked up the quote on my profile and it's from pokemon x & y, not sun & moon 😅

Big snow. The cold sets in. Bears are hibernating in their dens, and the salmon have swam upstream. Nature is quiet. 💤

alchemically enhancing my weed to get philospher's stoned

Little snow. Light snowfall appears. Northern winds have blown the last leaves from the trees. 🌨

just now realizing I'm going to be in "waiting mode" for like, a month, unless I can get management to tell me which day or even which week to expect the inspection

real quick, I am so, so so so so so, thankful this instance doesn't have the "explore" button :blobhug:

it's still got a lot of crap on it but later when I want to wipe the table down it won't be as much of a nightmare to move everything 😄 progress!!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!