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it’s been awhile, updating my

I’m Friday, a mostly nocturnal 30 lesbian/ace-disaster cis-lady scaly stoner #420

I use this account for sharing slice of life type of things and out of the blue posts about

hoping to post more weird , but I’ve kinda given up on being a freelance artist as a career

my all consuming hobbies are animation, , and video games

current obsessions are , monster hunter, SK8, yuri on ice, and yuru camp

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trying to motivate myself to do things 

(to the tune of 'into the woods') 🎶

The tasks are just things, the things are just stuff, the stuff is just chores, the chores are just things to do, the things to do are just stuff,

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these kids online don't even know what vellum is, like they didn't take art history several times in college and became obsessed with illuminated manuscripts

Tsk tsk

dog news | pos 

just got back from the pet cardiologist and great news!

Irene's heart isn't 100% normal, but there's nothing so far indicating things are bad or critical

and she's healthy enough for dental surgery/cleaning! yay!!!

also feeling super mislead or lied to by the pet ER we went to the other day, they made it sound super critical and were pushing me to think about putting her down

Dog news 

So far, the cardiology reports are pretty mild

Feeling a bit emotionally manipulated by the ER vet


absolutely delighted by the combo of maple glaze and vanilla creme in this donut

2d painted portrait for Tempo of their character Arcturus.

High res and prints available via Find my telegram channels there as well to keep up with all new art and commission openings

Thank ya so much!

People wonder why I don't engage with tragedy. I'm nauseous because of how much I've been crying

bad news | dog health 

had a really difficult night

brought in my pom to the vet ER because she wasn't eating or drinking, but her heart rate is super duper low, almost dangerously low

so I'm gonna wait for other human beings to wake up to see what the next moves are or should be

at least she's resting soundly for now and behaved so well at the ER for the vets :blobsob:

Big heat. Summer heat is at its strongest. The air is thick and humid and the trees are busy making seeds. 🔥

feel like 99% of the time I see the "eyestrain" tag on art online it's just colorful???

I was wondering why sticker mule was showing up on toots, then I read the email I got 💀

Don't think it was physically possible for me to hit unsubscribe any faster than I did

1. I'm trying to get rid of stuff

2. I'm super duper scared of bed bugs

mutual aid needed, flatted my tire, please boost :boost_requested:

hi, I had an unrepairable flat tire and it's setting me back $150. i'm still paying back my debt on rent and i could really use help with this please. thanks so much

Cashapp: $CAokdk

#mutualaid #MutualAidRequest #autisticmutualaid #crowdfund #crowdfunding

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!