"wait Friday, why would a library chrome book be better than your 14 year old macbook"

that's a bit of a lengthy answer so have a meme

drug meme 

oh yeah? you have 100 girlfriends that really really really really really really love you?

well, I have a hundred weed smoking girlfriends so...,

oh, my weekend? fairly normal stuff, totally not obsessing over how cute this lil dragon...dino...bartender guy is in Wonder Boy in Monster Land, you?

anyway I found this cool guy in a YGO TCG tumblr blog dragon tag recently and had both sona and gender feels so there ya go

went through my 2013 art folder and finally picked something to share with y'all

an old sketch of sona vs IRL self that I never finished

this is the 2nd time I've gotten light as my element via internet personality quiz ☀️​

last I checked this was an early morning shift at a craft store, not a fuckin' hospital

started a walk tour video and immediately paused because I found the best sticker, everyone else go home lol

howdy y'all, let's try this out

these are all digital, procreate, the landscape painting was a study from another's photo reference

pokemon | meme | live news | repetitive/chanting 

pokemon disaster forums pokemon disaster forums pokemon disaster foums!!!

oceangate/ titan submersible | meme 

last one I swear,...for now....

submersible/oceangate/titan meme 

I've never vibed more with this meme than right now

flashing gif maybe? it's animating for sure 

feeling kinda low on nonsense internet drama...,

what's this anti-shipping vs pro shipping thing about?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!