CATS is getting a patch??????
@evie various bug fixes and enhancements. and we're not talking about the dancing cockroaches
@BestGirlGrace I'm so upset that I didn't notice some of the stuff reviewers mentioned??????
I've seen a few reviews say they saw just like, a normal un-CGIed person in a group shot????
And apparently in one scene Judi Dench has her normal hand without any fur and you can see her rings?
@evie Yeah, that's news to me. I was just sitting back and enjoying the film. Aside from a few really uncanny valley things (when we see Rebel Wilson's character unzip her skin, the mice and cockroaches), I didn't notice anything out of place.
@BestGirlGrace yeah, other than that the only thing I consistently noticed was most of the times the collars on the cats looked like they were floating and there was one ballet scene Victoria did that was like, 100% bad cgi floating a few inches off the ground
@evie thank god lucas already handed over star wars, this would have given him so many ideas
@evie "various performance improvements"