gender, clothes, inquiry 

how do trans people get clothes without feeling embarrassment or getting really nervous about it?

It's one of those things I can't get over.


gender, clothes, inquiry 

@TonicBH a couple things
- supportive friend that is excited with you, and also shopping for themself, so that you can mentally go “oh it just looks like i’m shopping with them” which checking out sweet clothes, and try to forget everyone else in the store (this takes time)

- depending on your area, thrift stores may be more friendly. avoid churchy ones. my favorite is Savers/Value Village, because almost every one i’ve been to has a queer person on staff who’s awesome

gender, clothes, inquiry 

@TonicBH like above all, it takes time and practice. 90% of the people out there Do Not Care, but try telling that to my anxiety-fueled brain, in Texas, in a crowded store, aaaaa

oh yeah, going early or late, when there’s less people, might help.

i found the queer person at my local thrift store because they were wearing a trans flag pin and i just said “i like your pin” and it took off from there <3

having the social energy for that was HRRRRNG.

i still get nervous

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Computer Fairies

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