html/css help wanted 

I have this table with three columns, with the middle column spanning multiple rows.

The default html behaviour is to try and maximise how much horizontal space is used, before using vertical space.

However, I want the middle column to fill up vertical space before it starts spreading out horizontally – I want that column to be as thin as possible.

How can I tell html to do this?

re: html/css help wanted 

@lizardsquid If you can give the tds way to select them (and just them) from CSS, you can use max-width:

The column will grow horizontally until it hits the maximum width you gave, and then vertically.

re: html/css help wanted 

@elomatreb I'll do this if I have to, but I have more than 300 of these tables, each with a different amount of text in them, so I'd prefer to do it in a dynamic way (I don't want the first column to become elongated unless absolutely necessary)

re: html/css help wanted 

@lizardsquid Not sure that is possible, CSS tables assume the "regular" CSS layout flow where things grow horizontally unless they *have* to go vertically in order to avoid breaking another constraint
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