hubris, a conundrum of my own devising 

A few months ago I decided I was going to make myself play more video games to completion.
(To be clear: this system considered "I don't want to play this anymore" as "completing" a game. It existed to combat an anxiety I had which was preventing me from playing the games I actually enjoyed)

And it worked! I started playing games again, and had a lot of fun, and it encouraged me to actually finish the games instead of stressing about their incompleteness

re: hubris, a conundrum of my own devising 

But because of the way I designed the system, with a complicated scheme of slots which become locked or unlocked under certain conditions, I now have a blockage. Before I can start playing any new games, I need to finish ultrakill. But I haven't launched the game in over a month.

re: hubris, a conundrum of my own devising 

My choices seem to be:
- make myself play ultrakill. Technically this is the system working as intended, encouraging me to actually keep playing the games I enjoy.
- mark ultrakill as complete. I don't want to do this because I actually DO want to complete it and I enjoy playing the game
- modify the system to have more open slots. Slippery slope to making the system stop working
- abandon the system entirely

idk what to do


re: hubris, a conundrum of my own devising 

I think writing out this post has made me realise that I DO want to play it, I've just been avoiding it because of the very anxiety problem that this system usually helps with.
No more avoidance! When I get up tomorrow I'm going to play ultrakill, and unlock those slots!!!

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