what sort of brain fog made snap and flatpak look like more appealing propositions to linux users than appimages?

@mavica_again At least for Snaps, money.

Snap is closed-source and centrally operated by Canonical. My guess as to *why* they're pushing it so hard is that if enough people start relying on it, they can start charging rent.

That's what happened with Anaconda - they built up a free centralized repository around their stuff until they had a large-enough userbase relying on it for package infra. In 2020 the rug-pull happened: they changed their TOS to make enterprise users (and fortunately not hobbyists) pay rent. And companies that had spent the last 5 years being misled that it was intended to be a free service had to just suck it up and pay.

@mavica_again IIRC it's shenanigans to get around the GPL's source disclosure requirements. The client is open-source, but the backend that does all the interesting bits is closed-source.

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