
After wrestling with Arch Linux for a few hours this evening I've remembered why people don't like systemd, lol

Will give it another go tomorrow.

After looking into it a bit more it's not specifically systemd I have an issue with but that Arch does things that really are at odds with how my brain works, haha.

Back to debian.

@renbymon never got on with Arch particularly well myself, Debian works so much better for me.

@renbymon Debian here too. I think we all had our "let's try arch" phase

@maxine @renbymon I’m that one trans *nix hacker who’s never tried Arch and is mildly intimidated by it

@vulpine @maxine @renbymon Personally, I've just never seen the need to try it. Debian does what I want, so short of having some time where playing with new disteos is a higher priority than other things (which hasn't happened in a while), I'm happy with my lot.

@dh @maxine @vulpine @renbymon Oh, with all the talk of distros here I thought it was just me. I haven't felt the need to try a distribution other than Debian since about 2001 when I got briefly RHCX certified for work. Ick.

@renbymon Mint here, which I guess is fancy Ubuntu, which in turn is fancy Debian. I've looked at Arch a couple of times and every time I do, it makes me retreat back to Mint.
Though I'll admit to borrowing some packages from AUR on occasion.

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