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Follow up; this pic is kinda how I feel about myself a lot of the time? When I think about my RL body, about me transitioning, how I want to present myself with make up and clothing, how I see my true self, it’s my wolf form.

Renby, and a lot of my other forms, feel (in a good way) like suits that I wear. While I’m wearing them I am fully that form, but when I take them off I’m back to being a wolf girl! 💜​:flag_transgender:

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My state of identity often swaps between wolf and Renamon, but there are times when I kinda feel both at the same time. In those cases it's like I'm a wolf wearing a Renamon fursuit!

🎨​ KiyoneScarlet on 🔵​☁️​

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Just got off the phone with my GP, he suggested that I self refer to the local GIC as it'll be quicker than waiting 2 weeks for us to meet again for an appointment to go through pretty much the same form, lol.

Gonna do that when I get home tonight! 💜🏳️‍⚧️

Long time coming but ahhhhh finally!!!
Those of you who knew me in the early 2000s, and knew I was trans back then (there are a couple of you), you were right. 💜💜

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Got an updated ref from SolarBrace a few years ago, showing the hair at the time, though the ref is out of date as I'm now she/her rather than they/them. ^^

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Got myself a ref sheet done by and I freaking love it so much!!! It feels really affirming to have this <3333

In anticipation of the Econet LAN Party at The National Museum of Computing on 18/19 May, I have just released a huge update to Elite over Econet.

Not only does it now run on all 8-bit BBC machines (including the unexpanded BBC Micro), but I've added live multiplayer scoreboards to the mix.

Here you can see six players competing live on three different bridge-connected Econet networks. The scoreboard updates as players play, with Elite transmitting player stats to a central scoreboard machine.

The idea is that you can run competitive Elite events between groups of players, all connected by Econet. You don't need any modern equipment - this all runs on standard 1980s kit - but if you use a PiBridge to connect networks over the Internet, you can even run live international competitions. 🙂

The LAN Party is imminent. Time to hone your Elite skills!

Full details can be found here:

LAN Party info:

#retrogaming #retrocomputing #bbcmicro

One thing I'm not seeing anywhere near enough people covering is the huge cost of all this "AI" grift. "AI" is currently using more resources than Bitcoin and it's ilk. So not only are we getting a worse internet, we're also dumping even more resources into it.

It really needs to be made more clear that just like cryptocurrency, this "AI" is devouring massive amounts of resources as well as making everyone's life worse.

Spotti onstage giving lecture at UC Berkeley yesterday (pic by on bsky)

When you want to buy a high end SSD but then you see how much they cost:

Finally, my small gourds will no longer swing freely in the wind

buy this for your autistic puppy gf so she can communicate with u when she goes nonverbal

yinglet stimming 

ze zhree zhoughtful zhieves zhought zhey would zhrive zhrough zhick zhorny zhickets, zhough zheir zheory zhoroughly zhrashed zheir hopes.

#AptoApril #15: "Tail"

Sometimes it's nice to take stock of assorted things


The yinglet species (and the tailpoof as a relatively common part of its anatomy) were originally designed by Valsalia

Generated art correlates strongly with low effort writing and video. But I keep seeing developer types in my feed reader use generated illustrations without seemingly realising how an increasing number of readers interpret it

And it’s only a matter of time until “generative art = spammy bullshit” will be the majority position because that’s how the economics of it are going to play out. Using extruded synthetic art will not do your writing or video any favours in the long run.

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cw: dysphoria, euphoria, body talk, nsfw 

Realising/accepting that I don’t like people seeing my naked body, that I don’t feel sexy when I’m naked, and that I’d rather be wearing latex/spandex or a fursuit/monster suit/something villainous, etc when doing naughty stuff, was a big lightbulb moment for understanding how to feel good about myself. 💜💛

I got tired of YouTube search being 80% made of irrelevant "For you", "Previously watched", shorts, etc
So I made uBlock rules to yeet them, feel free to copy[id="title"]:contains("For you"))`[id="title"]:contains("Previously watched"))[id="title"]:contains("People also watched"))

threads is paying people to post with their "bonus program" and yes ofc it's scummy lmao

The Threads bonus is an invite-only bonus program that lets you earn money on your Threads content... Based on the performance [and] number of posts you create.

is this really the vibe we want them bringing to the fediverse???

#FediPact #meta #threads

If you ever needed proof of the power of art, you should see the fool it made out of this person who was griping about protests around him

It's like the artist reached back through time to smack him

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!