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It's done!!! Updated ref sheet!

GoaTuna (goatuna on 🔵​☁️​) did such a FANTASTIC job!!!

HECK it me!!! 💛​💜​

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Just got off the phone with my GP, he suggested that I self refer to the local GIC as it'll be quicker than waiting 2 weeks for us to meet again for an appointment to go through pretty much the same form, lol.

Gonna do that when I get home tonight! 💜🏳️‍⚧️

Long time coming but ahhhhh finally!!!
Those of you who knew me in the early 2000s, and knew I was trans back then (there are a couple of you), you were right. 💜💜

Portrait Icons slots open!
It's time to start doing some more portraits for you 💜

~ 35 USD per portrait
~ Dragons, creatures, animals
~ Payment via PayPal or Ko-fi

If interested, feel free to contact me via DM, Discord (mollin_art), e-mail:
Thank you!

Something that might be a good idea for the future; collect email addresses from all your friends and add them to your address book and then make sure that's backed up regularly.
Also let your friends know if you change your email address.
I haven't done this in a long time but it's something I am going to start doing again.


New art! A commission done entirely in MSPaint by the lovely pastadoughie on Tumblr!

I pet himb. :3


I'm SO happy and overjoyed that I'm a werewolf woman!! 💜🐺🌕🏳️‍⚧️

Walking down the street on a sunny day and seeing my shadow with pointy ears and a muzzle is one of the most θΔ things possible, I love it

This is a thread for happy, joyful things

Today is going to be rubbish for quite a lot of people, especially in the USA.

Why not share something that makes you feel happy or joyful?

It doesn't have to be deep or artistic. Just something - anything - that makes you smile.

#SpreadingJoy #Joy


now more than ever i hope people can understand that the american ruling establishment *is* the bad guys. they're the bad guys. the american ruling establishment is the bad guys.

everything that threatens the american ruling establishment may not be your direct ideological ally but they are, in a literal sense, fighting the bad guys

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Teardown candidate? Teardown candidate.
The tape is dead, who wants me to extract the MAM RFID chip and decap it?

Talk at work has resurfaced that the site is going to be closed in a couple of years. I think I'm gonna take it and use the time between now and then to build up the workshop/studio, and take the redundancy if I get offered it.

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Someone in the office has a Wi-Fi hotspot called "Martin Router King"

Just had the AI conversation with the team at work. Results on if we should use copilot:

5 against. (Including me)
2 for.
2 curious to try it with no real opinions.
5 abstained.

This is actually huge. This means even tech bros are learning AI is garbage. Everyone did at least acknowledge that it was bad for the environment. This is progress. We are making headway. We can take on AI.

Refuse all products that require AI.

Dragons in the furry fandom are fucking awesome.

A dragon is this mythical beast that, legend has it, terrorised villages and generally burninated the countryside.

And the thing furry dragons seem to wanna do the most is be big spoon.

There's a metaphor in there somewhere.

I do want to try and make a go of this; have a studio for making werewolf suits, at least as a part time job. :)

Not going to rush it though; first need to build and fit the studio, then work on crafting and make my own suit before I think about it being a business.

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here's a quick way to make a booper in resonite!
(also give me feedback, i'd like these to be as accessible as possible while being roughly 1m long!)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!