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(Adding another post, with an updated pic, so I can pin this to my profile)

Howls! I'm Rivaclaw, a trans werewolf woman!

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It's done!!! Updated ref sheet!

GoaTuna (goatuna on 🔵​☁️​) did such a FANTASTIC job!!!

HECK it me!!! 💛​💜​

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Just got off the phone with my GP, he suggested that I self refer to the local GIC as it'll be quicker than waiting 2 weeks for us to meet again for an appointment to go through pretty much the same form, lol.

Gonna do that when I get home tonight! 💜🏳️‍⚧️

Long time coming but ahhhhh finally!!!
Those of you who knew me in the early 2000s, and knew I was trans back then (there are a couple of you), you were right. 💜💜

Redrawing Beizel to bring his art style up to zhe same as zhe ozhers

TIL that because the FFmpeg project has gained so much experience in hand-writing assembly code to provide huge speedups, they now are putting together a series of lessons for learning assembly:

Vibe coding is fun and all, but this is probably a better use of time!

Thirteen of my books are part of the 183,000 books that Meta stole to train their A.I.

If you've not been able to find the database (because the articles are behind paywalls), this link should work so you can search for yourself:

UPD: me and my friend are working closely with dogpatch press right now.

additional development of the story: they also told me that the con director tried to confiscate their mobility aid because it had one of the antifa patches on it. and also broke their partner's glasses that are worth $100.

i encourage you to spread the word about this.

#furnalequinox #furry #furnal2025

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Have been so busy game jamming that I forgot to post some progress—here's two models I made for our entry, for the Furry Game Jam!

Deadline is Sunday night... and there's still plenty to do.

Oh hey, what's up?
Don't have anything to do - want to spend the evening together?
We could totally try to finally catch that red dot once and for all 😼 🔴🔦
#Fursuit #FursuitFriday
📸 Krymson

What's this? Another race already? Welcome to China, home of the Shanghai International Circuit (and a few other bits and bobs). Brush up on your corner names and enjoy some of my 100% Genuine Near-Facts.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!