
Our water boiler doesn't have a way of monitoring the temperature in the hot water tank, so I'm gonna solve that myself with a temperature prob and a small Linux box.

I'd like to take a temperature reading every so often (haven't decided on what frequency yet) and have the results displayed in a graph viewable over http from the comp.

Any suggestions for showing that in the simplest way possible?

Jeez this took an age to get working but it's done!

A DS18B20 1-wire temperature probe connected to a RPi 3A+, monitoring the temperature of the water in the hot water tank (as best it can; it's just touching the outside of the tank).

Data collection and display is being done by Munin (thanks @darac for the suggestion!) node on the Pi, master on my home server.

@fatedfox I had seen this when searching but I've found docker to be pretty confusing/my brain can't parse it well, so had discounted it. I'll keep it in mind though, thank you! :)

@renbymon @fatedfox I’m still trying to make head or tail of Docker myself at the minute. Portainer CE looks like it simplifies it quite a bit- I just set it up an hour or so ago.

So far so good?

@renbymon Have a chat with @abby - she's amazingly good with Grafana and making dashboards. She might have some insights for you :)

@fatedfox @renbymon skimming the page quickly I'm not sure there's a need for docker other than they didn't want to tell you how to set up Prometheus and Grafana from scratch. If youe more comfortable installing them both directly on the Pi from the respective project documentation it can't anticipate anything docker is bringing to the table here

I tend to shove the data points into an RRD and use CGP or something to make graphs, but there are probably much easier wrappers for RRDtool nowadays. I tend to dislike wrappers and do things very very "oldskool", I'm not sure why I like to make things hard for myself. Which could be why I have a load of stuff that is pretty reliable but looks like absolute sh*t. 😛
Oh, and for said shoving I tend to use collectd.

@renbymon @darac Congrats! That kind of stuff is a struggle for me as well, you did a good job! :)

@renbymon @darac Oooh. I've had the itch to have something like that sometime, monitoring temperatures (water, rooms, outside) and currents (solar panel generation, import/export, and perhaps individual circuits too) but I never have the energy to even start on a project these days. Impressive that you've done it! :)

@renbymon Nice work! It's probably not far off the temperature of the water, to be fair. After all, the tank is metal.

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