@squirrel idea: if you've got some spare resources on an upgraded server then computerfairi.es BBS?
Or one of those shared linux environments like tilde.town?
@troubleMoney idk if it'll be a lot of spare tbh i have not even a single clue what tilde.town is/how it works
@squirrel tilde.town is basically a linux server that has open-ish sign-ups for accounts
you can ssh in and then do linux stuff, and there's an irc and a forum and you can use wall to bug everyone
also provides a little bit of web and gopher hosting
@troubleMoney that sounds extremely fun and like something i won't enjoy at all because it sounds like the kind of thing that has a very tight-knit community that's impenetrable
@troubleMoney open ssh is a very bad idea if you like your server to not die in the first day unless you have a very specific system with access rules in place
@squirrel tilde.town uses ssh keypairs so there's not as much of a risk there
user accounts would definitely have to be locked down pretty tight though
@squirrel hm... the more I think about this the less it sounds like a viable idea for "resources left over on a server what actually does stuff"
the BBS thing could well work though
@troubleMoney i super would love to run a bbs but from prior experience it's hard to get people to use it for more than one day and it's very hard to maintain and administer and i do not want to do it again
computer fairies used to be a bbs in 2013-2014 already and was even in the synchronet vertrauen list of bbses
@troubleMoney administrate* not administer
@squirrel both of those words actually work
and yeah, fair point
@troubleMoney access level privileges are very much not easy to set up at all